
There have been recent changes to voting laws in Wisconsin and we need to ensure that every eligible student on campus has access to the ballot box to make their voices heard on Election Day.

Here are 3 key things you should know:

  • A Photo ID is not required to vote on Election Day.
  • You can register and vote on Election Day at your Polling Location.
  • Read the below section on student residency carefully.

Important Student Residency Information:

  1. Step 1: Check your registration status by clicking here.

    You will likely find that you are either not registered, registered at an old address, or registered at your current address.

  2. Step 2: Identify which example best fits your situation—

    • If you’ve never registered at your academic year address, you can register and vote at your permanent home address. Click here for more information about what to bring with you on Election Day.
    • If you’re registered at your academic year address, but will be at a different address on Election Day—you will need to vote at the Polling Location of your academic year address.
    • If you’re registered at the address you’ve lived at on May 8, 2012—you will vote at the Polling Location associated with that address.
    • If you’ve registered at your academic year address, but it’s not the one you lived at on May 8, 2012—you will need to re-register and vote at the polling place for the address you lived at on May 8th.

Not sure if this affects you? See this example:

Steve attends University of Wisconsin – Madison and registered at Sellery Hall to vote in November of 2010 as a freshman. At the beginning of his sophomore year, Steve moved to another apartment on Bassett Street where he has lived since—but he has not re-registered at that address.

On May 8th, 2012, Steve was still living at his Bassett Street apartment—studying for finals. On May 15th, Steve moved in to a different summer sublet apartment.

In order for Steve to vote on Tuesday June 5th—he will need to register and vote at the polling location of his Bassett Street apartment address since he was living there on May 8th.

His proof of residence document must be from his May 8th address. See here for what he needs to bring.

Please contact us or your municipal clerk if you have any questions about how to cast your ballot on Election Day.

Help spread the word about these changes: